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Activity 1A

1. List three features of verbal and non-verbal communication 

Features of verbal communication 
•    Spoken words: Verbal communication includes telephonic conversation, internet communication and face-to-face interactions to convey messages depending upon the words spoken. 
•    Speed or clarity for the conveying message: Talking faster without any pause renders miscommunication while slow talk gives clarity for understanding (Guo, Sengul & Yu, 2021). 
•    Tones and degree for volume: Varying the degrees of time and volume convey similar messages with different tones to comprehend or understand.
Features for nonverbal communication
Facial expressiveness: Facial expressions like joy, anger and frustration denote inner feelings for communicating (Maloney, Freeman & Wohn, 2020).
Body posture or language: Attitudes and emotions are expressed in terms of body language to reveal the cat of feeling during communication (Maloney, Freeman & Wohn, 2020).
Written approach for communicating: Email, personal and formal messages in the form of a letter reveal the written way of nonverbal communication. 

2. Why should you demonstrate respect and establish rapport in your communications at work in the health and community services?

Maintaining respect and rapport during communication helps to foster trust and credibility among clients and team members within a healthcare setting

Information is shared among the team with respect which minimises the chances of error and lowers the instances of miscommunication (Ataguba & Ataguba, 2020).

Team collaboration and support due to the maintenance of respect and rapport ensures better outcome for patients' health and guarantees a positive work climate. 

Activity 1B

1. Give examples of how information regarding consumer care should be communicated.

Information needs to be exchanged or communicated in simpler language or a lucid form
Usage of written things and visual aid support helps to foster verbal communication for interchanging information (Radwan, 2022) 
Effective consumer care requires building clear communication to understand the instances better 

2. List three ways you can improve your communication skills.

•    Improving or strengthening the skills for active listening
•    Attending numerous training sessions and communication workshops (Hong & Oh, 2020) 
•    Maintaining an empathic attitude is important and the need to maintain this empathy while listening to others needs to resolve hostility and help strengthen communication skills 

3. Provide four different factors about the consumer that will influence your type of communication. 

•    Cultural orientation
•    Visual and hearing disability or impairment 
•    Cognitive capabilities
•    Language proficiency 

Activity 1C

1. In different areas of sharing consumer care information, how can you check and confirm that the consumer and staff member have understood you?

Some of the things that can be done are summarised as follows.  An approach such as asking them to restate the information using their own words is important.  Giving promise to answer any question supposed to be asked in a bid to clear any confusion. Providing the learners with written summaries of what has been said verbally to ensure retention of what is being taught.

Activity 1D

1. Explain the importance of

●     Listening to requests or instructions to clarify the meaning

It also provides a barrier against misunderstanding or miscommunication and averts mistakes in the care provided in healthcare by listening to the instructions or requests properly. 

●    Responding appropriately and professionally in the healthcare industry

It helps to keep trust and professionalism which is very crucial in carrying out interactions that are both formal and efficient specifically in the healthcare domain (Mogea, 2023). 

2. Explain what motivational interviewing and coercion is.

Motivational Interviewing: A type of counsel in which a professional seeks to adjust the patient’s readiness to make enhanced change by identifying and addressing any uncertainty (Surmon-Böhr et al., 2020)

Coercion: The process of making someone agrees to do a particular thing by the use of force and threats which is unlawful in the health sector.

Activity 1E

1. What precautions must you take to ensure privacy, confidentiality and disclosure are maintained during communication? Provide four examples. 

●    Employ safe-to-use communication technology like encrypted messages to prevent data leakage 
●    One should restrict information sharing only to authorized people to prevent data breach 
●    Original paper documents need to be stored in lockers
●    Need to avoid the discussion of sensitive information in public areas and unrestricted places to prevent data security compromise 

2. Briefly describe the process of the handover session, where information is exchanged by the night staff to the morning staff, clearly on time and maintaining confidentiality procedures. 

  • One needs to maintain a private place or setting during the Handover session of data exchange 

  • Both parties (night staff and morning staff) may raise their doubts and confirm their understanding upon prior discussion

  • Handing over the document to the person who is responsible for guaranteeing secure data exchange 

  • All the confidential information needs to be covered properly to prevent forgery or data breaches accordingly 

3. What are the potential sources to obtain client's information?

  • Face-to-face communication with clients

  • Client’s records

  • Assessment of professional records belongs to the healthcare domain 

  • Caregivers or the members of the family of clients 

Activity 2A

1. What information should you clarify when receiving instructions and agreeing to timeframes at the workplace?

  • Tasks that assigned

  • Deadline for the tasks 

  • Arranging the tasks sequentially

  • Need for proper documentation

  • Proper equipment handling 

  • Maintaining the safety protocol 

2. What information should you write down when listening/ receiving a message?  

  • The person who forwarded the message

  • Details of contact information for the sender  

  • The inside content of the message

  • Time and date for the sent message 

3. Identify three things that you are not permitted to do under your scope of practice / work role boundaries/responsibilities and limitations. 

•    Proper prescription and permission are required while giving any form of medication to the patients (Mogea, 2023). 
•    Practising or operating as a doctor when possibly you have not the permission or training to do it. 
•    Coaching clients on matters of the law or businesses

Activity 2B

1. Give examples of 5 different sectors of the care industry, that use lines of communication to work together to meet the needs of the consumers. 

  • Community development

  • Care for mental health

  • Disability-related services 

  • Housing 

  • Aged care 

2. List any 5 service providers in the healthcare system in Australia that may require lines of communication with your workplace organisation. 

  • Government agencies

  • Private hospital

  • Public hospital

  • Clinics 

  • Healthcare professionals  

3. Research and describe one funding source for aged care or disability organisations. 

Medicare: The scheme of Medicare insurance in Australia that allows free of charge or inexpensive health care by qualified specialists, including in the sphere of care for the aged. It includes medical and surgical, hospital and clinical, and sickness and druggists.

Activity 2C

1. Give five examples of industry/ medical terminology, workplace acronyms or abbreviations you may come across in verbal, written and digital communications. 

•    Rx =prescription
•    BP=Blood pressure
•    PPE=Personal protective equipment 
•    EEG=Electroencephalogram
•    EI=Endotracheal intubation 

2. Give five examples of Australian slang and words or phrases that you may hear from consumers or other staff. 

•    Mate (companion or friend)
•    Arvo(Afternoon) 
•    Brekkie (Breakfast) 
•    Give someone a bell (call someone via phone)
•    Hard yakka (work hard)

Activity 2D

1. Explain the lines of authority in your workplace structure for interactions, reporting and taking directions. 

Strategic management normally takes place at the organizational headquarters and then filters down to the operational level. An employee working in an organization will have a direct manager and then proceed up the managerial hierarchy to the leadership of that firm (Mogea, 2023). Procedures of communication and how directions and instructions are relayed and received are in most cases regulated by this hierarchy to facilitate responsibilities.

2. List other job roles and duties which form parts of your multidisciplinary work environment that you may have to follow communications protocol with 

•    Administrative Staff
•    Physiotherapist 
•    Nurse
•    Doctor 
•    Social workers or volunteers 

3. What is informed consent 

Informed consent is a concept under which a patient has explained the unavoidable dangers and probable privileges they are bound to gain from a particular procedure or intervention so that they can decide willingly and without pressure whether to take the procedure or not. In today’s world of healthcare, it has become a basic ethics and legal mandate to establish rapport with patient.

Activity 3A 

Case study

1. Explain why Lucille is at higher risk for potential abuse and what the signs you noticed in this situation are. 

As per the case scenarios mentioned Lucille is an older woman currently 82 suffers from poor memory that makes her incapable of remembering things precisely and facing age-old weaknesses. Mostly she remains confused and solely relies upon her family member for support and assistance.

Being a support worker, it is observed that her grandson forcibly took her money and credit card after getting no agreeable consent from Lucille who is observed by the visible bruises on the arm of Lucille. This scenario reflected that Lucille is currently at a high risk of getting abused by her grandson as revealed by the case incidents. 

2. Explain how you would report this matter

  • Ensure Lucille's Immediate Safety: The fact here is that in this case the patient is supposed not to provoke the undesirable behaviour in Lucille, thus the patient should not interact with her grandson. If needed you should live with her so that there could be your presence if there is a need to stand for her.

  • Record Details: Said it factually, and so, drawing attention to the discovered spots on the marked area of the skin Lucille and her reaction of shock, what she may or may not have said about her grandson’s behaviour.

  • Take Photographs (if allowed): In case this is allowed by your employer in your working environment and per the regulation of the employer then take pictures of the bruises for later use.

Follow Workplace Protocols

Report to Supervisor:

The first thing that any person should do when subjected to, or witness this is to report it to his or her immediate supervisor or, as it is agreed to the officer who is mandated to handle such incidents. Present all the collected facts and other information on the case.

Report to Authorities
Contact Elder Abuse Hotline: It is proposed to report the number of elder abuse of a particular area.
Notify Adult Protective Services: If so, please consult the Adult Protective Service or some other related agency that is involved in handling dependent adults’ cases.


  • Maintain Confidentiality: See to it that all things that have a relation to the occurrence are marked as privileged and report it only to the people who will be dealing with it.

  •  Elder Abuse Helpline: Lucille needs family care and it is she who experiences memory problems that make her regressed. Thus, having completed the demonstrated actions following the exhibited steps you will be prepared to exercise accurate reporting to eliminate the risks of a patient’s abuse towards Lucille.

Activity 3B

1. Give 5 examples of actual or potential barriers or constraints for effective communication. 

•    Language Differences: Appear to be unable to communicate with each other probably because one and the other are native speakers of two completely different languages.

•    Cultural Differences: Cultural beliefs that may cause some form of conflict because of the shift in fortunes of the two people involved in the incident.

•    Emotional Barriers: The anger or anxiety that would interfere with the reception or delivery of the messages of the relationships described.

•    Physical barrier: Noisy environment such as poor audio-based quality.

•    Perceptual barrier: Differences in perception of varied individuals cause a misinterpretation and misunderstanding in conveying a message. 

2. Provide five appropriate communication strategies and techniques to resolve the barriers or constraints to effective communication identified in question 1 above. 

Language Differences

•    Strategy: Be very concise, eliminate the use of complicated technical terms and do not use operational language.
•    Technique: Some are translation to be able to have an interpreter or to use signals and signs for the Sign Language users.

Cultural Differences

•    Strategy: Inform the employees of the different cultural diversities and provide them with programs.
•    Technique: Thus, the applicant should promote the recognition and description of cultural variations and intercultural interactions to inquire about misconceptions.

Emotional Barriers

•    Strategy: Both you and the participants must be civil with each other and that is achieved through courteous.
•    Technique: First, for the counteraction to any feeling before content issues one has to employ active listening and assure the feeling.

Perceptual Barriers

•    Strategy: Mention the most essential things in communication and try to increase its distinctiveness.
•    Technique: Paraphrasing to give the same message in different words and asking people to review where messages have been given to ensure people fully understand them.

Physical Barriers

•    Strategy: Third, one should harmonise the communication environment.
•    Technique: Ensure that; there is appropriate equipment such as microphones and video conferencing software, and there is minimal background noise.

3. How would you manage address requests for translation interpretation to provide person-centred service delivery?

•    Assessment of Needs: It is also critical to learn a specific language or, more to the point, the taste of the slant of the tone necessary in a person’s life. 

•    Cultural Sensitivity Training: Brief the employees of an organization about the part of cultural dementia and the appropriate ways of dealing with the problems of persons who have issues with their words. This involves the facet of the body or the carriage where someone positions his or her body about something else as well as culture.

Activity 3C

1. Provide 5 general steps which will help you with problem-solving/ resolving conflict situations. 

•    Problem identification 
•    Problem investigation
•    Specifying the need 
•    Identifying appropriate solutions to resolve the identified conflict  
•    Implementing the solution to acquire success in terms of conflict mitigation 

2. Provide any 5 examples of communication skills that you can you to avoid/ prevent, defuse and resolve any issues of conflict. 

•    It is necessary to ensure that information is accurate enough, reliable and correct 
•    Using language that is easily comprehensible, lucid and easily understandable
•    Maintaining calmness and patience 
•    Keeping a calm tone of voice 
•    Using body language that is open by not indulging the behaviour like putting the hands in the portion or hip and crossing arms 

3. What situation can cause conflicts of interest?

•    Personal interest for financial motives can cause trouble and deviate an individual from professional responsibilities leading to conflict. 
•    Different beliefs on the political front can lead to conflict among the members of a team. 
•    Close client relations can cause issues of objectivity rendering conflict. 
•    Cultural orientation also causes conflict and deviates the team members working in a firm from professional responsibilities. 

Activity 4A

1. Give 2 examples of duty of care and legal requirements in the workplace for your work role. What you would do if you were unsure about your duty of care?

It is necessary to ensure that the workplace is devoid of any hazards and risky situations or exposure that comes under the duty of care for the professional entitled to the firm healthcare duties (McDougall et al., 2021). 

The healthcare domain also needs to protect the privacy of users or clients by keeping information secure to protect against any unlawful data breaches and leaks of confidential clients' information. Healthcare segments need the secure handling of data that are personal and need to be kept confidential. 

Unaware of the duty of care leads to unforeseen consequences in the healthcare sector as it leads to data compromise and breach of confidential clients' information in a healthcare setting. The lack of duty of care makes it difficult to regulate the healthcare infrastructure effectively. 

2. Give 3 examples of a code of ethics for healthcare staff. What you would do if there was confusion regarding ethical decision-making? 

Consistency and transparency need to be maintained while delivering healthcare services by the staff that comes under ethical integrity or codes. 

Any gift and bribe to satisfy the personal benefits needs to be avoided to acquire personal gain by the industry professional or healthcare staff as it is considered a breach of ethics. 

Professionalism needs to be maintained strictly to ensure the integrity and reliability of healthcare services while performing the duties by dint of the healthcare professional or staff. 

Confusion regarding ethical decision-making may cause trouble as it becomes difficult to maintain professionalism and give rise to hostility in the workplace if not adequate measures are taken into occasion, Decisions must need to be made rationally and ethically to maintain accountability and rigor in a healthcare setting. 

3. What is your role regarding child protection? 

Child protection needs to follow the guidelines and laws as enshrined by the child protection regulations in the legislative framework. 

The safety protocol needs be be maintained to protect children from harm and any unlawful consequences (Forslund et al., 2022). 
Child protection needs to disclose the report or information after hearing any incidents of child abuse and harassment immediately to protect the child from the risks that compromise the well-being and child safety. 

Activity 4B

1. Give an example of each issue and how you will follow mandatory reporting requirements 

A breach in the duty of care: When a patient is harmed due to the failure of a caregiver to offer requisite care, the event must be reported to a supervisor and documented as per the laid down procedures of the health facility (McDougall et al., 2021). 

Non-adherence to standard procedure: If a healthcare worker does not perform the hand-washing process correctly, thus exposing him or her and other patients to infections, then he or she has to report the matter to the infection control officer and the incident reported must be written in the incident logbook. 

Adverse event: Any reaction that a patient has to a certain medication, which has not been prescribed before and is not recorded in the patient’s medical history needs to be reported to the medical team and at the same time recorded in the patient’s file as well as in the incident reporting system.

 Activity 4C

1. List 3 or more rights and responsibilities of an employee. 

•    Right to receive compensation that is fair and transparent 
•    Maintaining an ethical code of conduct
•    Behave professionally with others 

2. What are the employer's responsibilities regarding discrimination? 

Enforcing appropriate policies or measures that stand against workplace discrimination 
Giving adequate training to employees about diversity and policies for inclusion to root out discrimination in the workplace
 Act if any incidents of discrimination are identified 

3. List 3 or more rights and responsibilities of consumers.

•    Right towards protection of privacy or data confidentiality 
•    Right for receiving safer service and ensuring proper care option 
•    Responsibility for receiving services that ensure giving accurate and well-defined health information 

4. Define right-based service delivery 

Right-based service delivery is the provision of services with full regard to the customers’ rights which they deserve to be treated with dignity while receiving service entitlements.

Activity 4D

1. How can you prevent conflict with colleagues?

Maintenance of an open form of communication with clarity and transparency
Respecting the perspective of others and giving respect to values will help to mitigate the conflicts among colleagues (Ataguba & Ataguba, 2020).  
Maintenance of collaboration and cooperation is crucial to the workplace to resolve team conflicts and commotion 

2. When and how should you refer an unresolved issue of conflict to your supervisor/manager? 

It is necessary to refer to an issue when it cannot be solved by describing one’s problem and when it starts to interfere with one’s working process or interactions with team members. Take down the arguments and explain the conflict with the supervisor, present all the information and previous tries to solve the problem.

Activity 5A

1. List 10 charts and documents that are included in the consumer's medical record. 

1.    Admission details
2.    Medication records and doses of administering patients 
3.    Progress data or notes
4.    Consent form 
5.    Record of BP and allergy level
6.    Discharge notes or summary 
7.    Chart for patients' vital signs 
8.    Lap report
9.    The result of the imaging test 
10.    Post-discharge plan for care 

Activity 5B

1. Why should you ensure that you fully read and understand the workplace document that you need to use? 

Protocol maintenance and accuracy for the tasks performed ensure that workplace documents are fully understandable and easily readable. 

2. Explain the importance of completing the written and electronic workplace document. Why it is important to clarify any doubts with your supervisor?

Maintaining the electronic and written records for healthcare documents guarantees the care for service continuity, accountability, confidentiality and legal compliance. Making doubt clarification with the supervisor ensures the proper patient safety and it also guarantees that the outcome of a patient's safety will not be compromised. 

3. Complete the attached two workplace documents to demonstrate your understanding of written communication.  

The attached document for workplace documentation has not been given yet to comprehend the completeness and clarity of the given set of information. Written communication in the form of documentation needs to maintain the guidelines for data protection and privacy of users' or clients' information (Ataguba & Ataguba, 2020). 

Activity 5C

1. Explain how digital media is used in the healthcare industry and what digital media includes.

Information technologies in the form of digital media in health care consist of electronic health records, telemedicine, consumer-facing health applications, and patient portals. The primary approaches in which it is applied are to increase patients’ involvement, to facilitate and optimize communication and to transform access to proper health information.

2. Identify and list examples of organisational communication policies and procedures for accessing the Internet

•    Security of Networks at the time of retrieving the patient details 
•    Prohibition of sharing passwords 
•    Professional use of social media in the workplace 
•    Measures for informing data breaches

Activity 5D

1. Why are grammar, speed and pronunciation important for verbal communication?

This ensures clarity and accuracy for conveying message that are easily understandable and minimises the instances of misunderstanding and error during patient care. Hence. It can be concluded that pronunciation, grammar and speed are important in verbal communication that gives clarity and accuracy (Ataguba  & Ataguba, 2020). 

Case study 2: Maintaining documentation 

Referral registration form 
Name: Mr. Smith 
Address: Sydney, Australia  
Date of birth: 22/7/1955
Reason for referral
Feeling headache, sore throat, body pain and cough are signs mostly seen in patients with COVID-19.  
Medical history : Having a past medical record for diagnosed with diabetes and hypertension 

Activity 6A

1. Give 10 examples of identifying and recommending improvements in work practices for consumer services and workplace culture.  

•    Regularly updating training programs
•    Implementing feedback systems
•    Enhancing patient communication protocols
•    Streamlining documentation processes
•    Improving infection control measures
•    Adopting new technologies
•    Encouraging teamwork
•    Promoting cultural competence
•    Standardizing care procedures

Activity 6B

1. Identify a change that could take place within an organisation, such as in consumer service workplace culture or infection control, to improve work practices. What does this change aim to achieve?

Conducting the implementation of EHR to replace paper records seem relevant.  This change is about enhancing the effectiveness, availability and timeliness of the patient data.

Activity 6C

1. In what areas can you seek feedback for developing your skills and knowledge at work and who would you seek this from?  

  • Performance: Performance boost needs help from supervisors 

  • Communication skills: Communication skills are enriched by communicating with colleagues 

  • Technical skills: The training coordinators help strengthen the technical competence (Ataguba  & Ataguba, 2020).  

  • Patient care: information gathered from patient feedback surveys does indicate that some are practising the profession for the sake of it.

Activity 6D

1. What opportunities for skills development exist in care services? What should you do to develop your skills?

Workshops, online courses, certification, and in-service training help to foster skill development in aspects of service related to care giving.  To acquire these skills, look for such chances and use the derived skills in the execution of the duties at the workplace. An individual need to work hard to identify the gap in skills and needs rigorous commitment to replenish the gaps by working passionately and with dedication to attain success by improving the skills for gaining success. 

Project 1: Research and explain the principles of effective communication, including models' modes and types.

Some of the principles of communication are plainness, briefness, and comprehensiveness. Shannon and Weaver model: It presupposes such elements as Sender, Message, and Receiver (Al-Fedaghi, 2020). Berlo’s SMCR: Source, Message, Channel,

Receiver additional components- Encoding & Decoding. Forms of communication could be oral, nonverbal, formal and informal, and or graphic and artistic. They are interpersonal, group and mass communication. There is a perfect correspondence between clear communication and getting the points understood along with active listening which encourages feedback (Ataguba & Ataguba, 2020).

Additional context includes such things as body gestures and voice inflexion. This paper writing skill as a form of communication has the backing and support of visual aids to enhance the understanding of the content. The day's collision being defined as the ability to get the message across involves adjusting to the target public, providing feedback and emerging solutions to such factors as noise and cultural diversity.

Project 2: Explain Communication Techniques

●    Open-ended questions: These ensure that one asks questions that make other give thorough explanations hence enhancing the understanding of a topic. These usually start with ‘how’, ‘what’, ‘why’, ‘can you tell me about’.
●    Affirmations: Affirmations are those words that acknowledge one’s purpose or work that has been done and which upholds one’s morale to continue working.
●    Reflections: The act of repeating the last words that the other party has said as an indication that the speaker has listened to what they have said to encourage more details.
●    Summaries: Repetition of the key ideas affecting both parties and the confirmation of their understanding including potential important items to focus on.

Difference between Motivational Interviewing and Coercive Approach:

Motivational Interviewing therefore is an empathetic method of identifying and addressing wishy-washy or indecisive behavior to generate change from within. Such measures include the use of temptations, threats, or any other forceful means to cause change; this nearly always results in opposition and anger among the targeted books.

Difference between Collaboration and Confrontation:

Teamwork implies that the involved members have to coordinate their activities towards the realization of the intended objectives while respecting one another. On the same note, confrontation entails explicit engagement encompassing assertiveness that creates conflict and defensiveness that demeans healthy communication.


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Reference list

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Forslund, T., Granqvist, P., van IJzendoorn, M. H., Sagi-Schwartz, A., Glaser, D., Steele, M., ... & Duschinsky, R. (2022). Attachment goes to court: Child protection and custody issues. Attachment & Human Development, 24(1), 1-52.https://doi.org/10.1080/14616734.2020.1840762
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Hong, H., & Oh, H. J. (2020). The effects of patient-centered communication: exploring the mediating role of trust in healthcare providers. Health communication. https://doi.org/10.1080/10410236.2019.1570427
Maloney, D., Freeman, G., & Wohn, D. Y. (2020). " Talking without a Voice" Understanding Non-verbal Communication in Social Virtual Reality. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 4(CSCW2), 1-25. https://doi.org/10.1145/3415246
McDougall, R. J., Gillam, L., Ko, D., Holmes, I., & Delany, C. (2021). Balancing health worker well-being and duty to care: an ethical approach to staff safety in COVID-19 and beyond. Journal of Medical Ethics, 47(5), 318-323. https://doi.org/10.1136/medethics-2020-106557
Mogea, T. (2023). Cross-Cultural Communication Barriers in Organizations. CENDEKIA: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Bahasa dan Pendidikan, 3(2), 20-33. https://doi.org/10.55606/cendikia.v3i2.951
Radwan, N. (2022). The internet’s role in undermining the credibility of the healthcare industry. International Journal of Computations, Information and Manufacturing (IJCIM), 2(1). https://doi.org/10.54489/ijcim.v2i1.74
Surmon-Böhr, F., Alison, L., Christiansen, P., & Alison, E. (2020). The right to silence and the permission to talk: Motivational interviewing and high-value detainees. American Psychologist, 75(7), 1011. https://doi.org/10.1037/amp0000588

CHCCOM005-Communicate And Work In Health And Community Services

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