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A systematic literature review of Total Quality Management (TQM) implementation in the organization
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The subject of today’s discussion is Total Quality Management (TQM), which continues to be an important issue in the sphere of the quality management that has practical importance for researchers and real-life projects to this day in various industries.

Permana, Purba, and Rizkiyah’s article (2021) gives a systematic literature review of TQM implementation across organisational settings. Thus, this critique has the following objectives: To discuss how the article has contributed to the TQM body of knowledge and evaluate the article’s pragmatic value to industry practitioners;

To critically consider the economic, social, and environmental implications of the knowledge the article contributes to quality management practice.


The main purpose of Permana, Purba, and Rizkiyah’s (2021) research was to assess and compare the literature on the situational analysis of TQM for different organizations and industries. As the authors admit, they used the systematic literature review method do select 50 papers which were published between 2015 and 2020.

This approach made it possible to obtain a general view of the latest biomorphic research on TQM and practices used in its implementation.

The authors organized their findings into four main categories: the application of TQM, the impact of TQM, reviews of TQM, and the relationship of TQM with other organizational factors. This categorization provides a clear structure for understanding the diverse aspects of TQM implementation covered in the literature.

One of the main advantages of the article is that the authors analyzed the topic in a very general manner, paying attention to not only the industrial spheres of TQM application but also the geographical ones.

This approach is beneficial to a great extent because it allows the researcher to define the general relevance of TQM to different countries. The authors emphasise that TQM is still popular today and applicable for organisations and their management in modern business context and conditions.

While the ideas and conception section can precisely be seen as offering an evaluation of the literature reviewed, the analysis section provides a good merit of the research findings arrived at.

For example, the authors stress that TQM implementation has been driving enhanced organisational performance, increased customer satisfaction, and improved competitive advantage in different industries. The synthesis of results contributes to the literature and can be indicative of the possible advantages of implementing TQM for practitioners.

Gaps, Limitations, and Weaknesses 

While the article provides a comprehensive overview of recent TQM literature, there are several limitations and weaknesses that should be addressed:

1.    Lack of critical analysis: The authors mostly paraphrase the outcomes of the analyzed papers without providing the deep critical analysis of the approaches and conclusions demonstrated in the given studies. A deeper critical analysis would have served to solidify the already beneficial article to the fields (Permana et al. 2021).
2.    Limited discussion of implementation challenges: While the article presents some of the challenges that may hinder TQM implementation including lack of awareness and motivation of employees, it fails to fully discuss the challenges that organizations encounter while implementing TQM. This gap reduces the applicability of the review for the professionals in the industry.
3.    Absence of quantitative analysis: The review does not contain any mathematical computations of the works that have been reviewed such as meta-analysis or synthesis of the results obtained in the papers. Minimising such analysis could have given a more powerful proof of TQM across setting of looseness.
4.    Narrow time frame: The type of study also has limitations in that the review is confined to papers that have been published between 2015 and 2020, which may restrict capturing the long-term evolution of TQM implementation and its effectiveness.
5.    Lack of theoretical framework: All in all, the article does leave out a proper podium for theoretical prism through which one could approach the analysis and synthesis of TQM implementation literature.


1.    For the field of quality management: The article reinforces the ongoing relevance of Its application in contemporary quality management practices referred to as Total Quality Management or simply; ‘TQM’. That is why this work concludes that TQM principles cannot be considered as incompatible with other industries and conform to the newer management theories. This conclusion means that constant research into TQM and its interaction with new managerial trends, like Industry 4. 0 and agile methodologies.

2.    For industry practitioners: From the review another argument supporting the use of TQM is the observation of its contribution on organizational performance, customer satisfaction, and competitive advantage with regard to different industries.

This therefore means that practitioners should consider TQM implementation as one way of enhancing their organizations’ total quality and performance. Nonetheless, the lack of elaboration on the implementation issues implies that practitioners should with caution in adopting the TQM and get to undergo an assessment of the environment within which the firm is locates(Steiber & Alänge 2013).

3.    Future implications for professional or enterprise practice: Therefore, there is a need for more research on TQM implementation with especial focus on implementing TQM in new emerging industries like e-commerce and other startups.

This means that quality management professionals should be ready to bend TQM principles relevant to the constantly changing business paradigms and technological platforms.

Furthermore, that the authors recommend future research to identify the need for standard measurements to assess the extent of TQM implementation shows that there is an opportunity for future scholarship and improvements to the way the field of quality management approaches the concept of and processes for TQM’s deployment.


The study of Permana, Purba, and Rizkiyah (2021) gives a recent systematic literature review of TQM implementation in diverse organizations. The article is able to prove that TQM is still useful and appropriate in the current scenario of business operations. But the review is deprived of critical analysis, the time span under consideration is quite limited and there is no attempt to perform the quantitative analysis of the data.

The article enriches the body of knowledge concerned with quality management, as it introduces the latest research on TQM implementation and points out the matters that merit further investigation. From the perspective of practitioners, the review provides proofs of TQM benefits; however, the indication of the necessity to pay attention to organizational context is given implicitly.

There is the need for more critical reviews of TQM implementation difficulties; There is also the need to set standard measurement procedures for evaluating the success of TQM. Moreover, examining how this research stream can be linked with other progressive management theories and tools, or how it might be enriched by combining with new management recipes and technologies, all this may help deepen TQM’s applicability in the world undergoing a profound transformation. 


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A systematic literature review of Total Quality Management (TQM) implementation in the organization

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